More information about Claudia Caolin and Flamenco Cornwall - international dance 2016
Claudia Caolin: Born in Germany, Claudia Caolin was fascinated with Flamenco dance from a very early age, initiated by the legendary visits to Frankfurt in the early seventies of the international touring company Festival Flamenco Gitano, starring the incomparable La Singla.
Claudia had lengthy stays in Spain and trained with many of the best teachers Spain had to offer, such as Maria Magdalena, Merche Esmeralda, Carmen Cortes, La Tati, Ciro, Manolete, Tito and Antonio Canales. Constantly looking for professional development she also attended important workshops with the up and coming teachers of a new generation, for instance, Eva la Yerbabuena, Mercedes Ruiz, Tatiana Garrido and Pastora Galvan.
Claudia left her career in Germany to complete an MA at Laban Centre London, with Flamenco as her theme for her thesis, following which she launched the UK based performance group, Claudia Caolin Y Compania. Her style and technique draws on her many years of traditional flamenco dance training but also ballet and contemporary dance, which combine to create a compelling and unique spectacle. Based in Cornwall since 2006, Claudia has built a reputation, both as a dedicated teacher and a versatile performer.
Claudia Caolin Y Compania has produced several major Flamenco theatre projects from 2010 onwards, outstanding were two touring projects: ‘Fuego Flamenco’ 2011 and ‘Amor al Flamenco’ 2012, and big shows 'Fiesta Pasion Flamenca' 2013, 'Llamas Flamencas', 2014 and Flamenco Flamenco 2016 with international artists from the South of France and Andalusia. As with all of her projects, Claudia Caolin works with highly selected international artists who specialise in various aspects of Flamenco music, dance and song. Details can be seen in the Gallery and News.
Bringing Passion to the South West
Dance - Song - Multimedia
Through Claudia Caolin Dance & Entertainment we bring the culture, art and social engagement of Flamenco to Cornwall and the South West. We are committed to
innovative theatrical Flamenco and high standards in all our productions through which the transformative spirit of true Flamenco comes forth. In our collaborative art and cross-disciplinary productions, we endeavour to inspire and touch our audiences, filling them with the wonder and life-affirming light which is Flamenco.
As a community interest company, we want to bring the spirit of Flamenco to communities and create performance and learning opportunities for everybody. Through regular classes and workshops, the venerated art of Flamenco dance is taught throughout the South West and enables students to engage with their bodies to transform them into capable vehicles to truly express themselves. As a universal, dramatic artform, Flamenco allows all of the human emotions to be authentically expressed and has no set steps such as folk dances. An exception forms the hugely popular Southern Andalusian Sevillanas, which we teach in special workshops and then can be tried out and performed in the frequent Flamenco Fiestas and juergas, which give social and cultural joyful engagement (alegria).